Sunday, September 14, 2008

Living by Murphy's Law

I don't live by Murphy's law by choice, but I know I have the freedom to choose. I have made the choices that have created my little disasters or made my life uncomfortable or stressed me out. I take credit for wise decisions that have enabled me to raise my children in a safe, comfortable enviroment. Sometimes things just happen. Maybe there is a lesson to learn with every mistake we make. Maybe it's just a case of: "If it doesn't kill you it will make you stronger". At this point, I should be Hercules. I've read the self-help books like "The Secret". You know the advice "think positive"; "Life is what you make it", blah, blah, blah. I tried. I think there are some things that are beyond our control. For example, when my daughter was on the way to school and her car slid on a freak ice patch and she hit two other cars, I didn't wake up thinking hmmmmm......I think someone's going to be in an accident today. I remember walking outside on 9/11/2001 and thinking what a beautiful day it was. I wasn't thinking that planes were going to crash into the world trade center. I didn't think that when I went out to trim all the plants that were growing over my driveway from the yard of the empty house next door that I would be covered in poison ivy two days later. I can't take responsiblity for making these things happen but I usually take responsibility for alot that happens.

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