Sunday, January 9, 2011

T-M Vacuum

Or I could call this TM Vacuum of Cinnaminson, NJ, anything to get hits and let the world know that T-M Vacuum is the worst employer and one of the most evil companies in the state of NJ, possibly the entire United States. What gives me the right to judge, other than the "Freedom of Speech" thing- I've worked for some pretty evil companies. I had a previous employer who went to jail for child pornography and weapons charges and I still don't consider that employer as evil as T-M Vacuum. The name of the victim and certain other innocent employees will be changed, the guilty will be named, other than that, here's the story as I know it:
Courtney majored in welding at BCIT throughout high school. She won several awards for welding at the graduation ceremony. She started a full time job the day after she graduated as a welder and loved every minute of it. She worked at that company for a few years before a freak accident with a peice of wire put her out of work for a little while. Then the recession hit full force and work was scarce. She was finally referred to a company as a secondary machine operator and was hired. At the same time, an ex co-worker told her that T-M Vacuum was looking for a welder. It seems Mikey, who she had once worked with, and who now worked at T-M Vacuum was out on workers comp, I beleive for the 4th time in his career (including both employers, of course) and T-M Vaccuum was looking for a welder. So Courtney applied there. When she filled out the application, she forgot to put her first name. When they called to talk to her, they seemed surprised that they were actually calling for a female instead of a male but they hesitantly allowed her to come in for an interview. The had her weld and ran what she did through a vacuum test. This was something that they had never required of an applicant. After all the questions and tests, she passed, they hired her and she was thrilled. She called the other company she had been offered a job with and thanked them for the offer but she really wanted to be a welder again so she was accepting the other job.
DAY 1: The first day was tough. Face it, it may be the 21st century but men don't know how to react to a woman in their territory. No one talked to her but one of the supervisors, we'll call him "Bob", oh wait, that is his real name, oh well. Bob was not very welcoming or very helpful but Bob did tell her it she was only "temporary". That was a surprise, no one had said that upon hire.
DAY 2: Courtney went into the office and asked if this was a temporary job. She told them that she had been offered another job with room for advancement so she would appreciate the truth.They told her that it was a permanent position. Upon returning to the work area, the atmosphere was totally different. Her co-workers were surprised that she returned and she assured them she wasn't a quitter.
DAY 5: Having planned and paid for a vacation week in May, Courtney turned in a vacation request.
DAY 6 through Week 4: Courtney was very happy working at T-M Vacuum. She had made friends, met the owner.Bob continued to be unfriendly, but you can't please everyone. She never had one critisism for all her work. In the back of her head, she wondered why she never got her vacation request back, could this be a sign as to what was to come?
THE CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON: T-M Vacuum provided a very nice luncheon. Mikey was at this luncheon and said he was coming back after the New Year [holiday].
WEEK 6, DAY 1: The holidays are over and it was back to work. Roland, the shop foreman, had shaved and gotten a hair cut over the holidays. She thought it made Roland look sadder. She noticed he wasn't smiling anymore. He didn't talk much to Courtney that day. Unfortunately, this was another sign. That evening, at home, she expressed concern that Mikey was returning to work soon and she had been working in his work area. Where were they going to move her? There didn't seem to be any space for another welding station.
WEEK 6, DAY 2: Business as usual. The thought stayed in the back of her mind, where would they put her? Why hadn't she received her vacation request back?
WEEK 6 DAY 3: Courtney asked Roland that morning where she was going to be when Mikey returned. Roland said he didn't know. Towards the end of the day, Roland called Courtney in his office. He told her that the chamber she built had failed the vacuum test. He told her that her welds were bad. He told her that he was letting her go. He said she could finish out the day or leave. Being the trooper that she is, she stayed and finished the day. Shocked that this had happened after all this time. If her welds were so bad, why would it have taken them all this time to notice? She went back to her area and told the lead welder what had happened. She asked him if her welds had been bad. He said they weren't. He realized that Mikey was coming back. He walked her to her car, on the way, he passed Roland and told him what he thought of him.
She went home and collapsed. Broken. Distraught. Feeling like a failure. After 5 years of welding, she beleived Roland when he told her that her welding was bad. But we know the truth, don't we? It was always a temporary job. She was hired as a replacement until Mikey came back. We know the FMLA laws and that his job has to be held. My question to T-M Vaccum is why did you have to be a bunch of liars? She asked you on day 2 and you blatantly lied to her. NJ is an AT-WILL state. You could have just told her you were letting her go you didn't have to destroy her confidence. You didn't have to make up lies. You could have at least been decent about it. You are barking up the wrong tree if you think she would make sexual discrimination charges. She knows this is a man's world she is in and has accepted it as that along time ago.
JUSTICE: There is reason for everything. I beleive justice is always served in the end although we probably will never know. It's funny how it was assumed that Bob was just an asshole, when actually he was the only honest one. I hope the reason that Roland seemed unhappy for the 2 days preceeding the incident, is that he was feeling guilty for the wrong he was about to do and I hope that guilt wakes him up in the middle of the night for a very long time. Fred and T-M Vacuum in general, I hope that Mikey continues to increase your workers comp premium until you are eventually run out of business. You will get yours in the end.
We did a novena to Saint Jude, Patron Saint of Lost Causes, for Courtney to get this job so "If the Lord takes you to it, he can get you through it", right? Or is the lesson, be careful what you wish for?

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